Feminist artistic expression today

Over the generations, art has evolved just like feminism to get to what we know today. The morals have changed and the means of communication have diversified, especially the technological means such as videos, social networks and numerous websites. Whether these changes are beneficial or not to our society is up to you. In any case we have to live with these new means of communication and artists have understood it well.

Who is this artist?

Among the many current artists, one stands out using the current means perfectly to communicate her ideas. This artist is Pénélope Bagieu, French cartoonist, scriptwriter and blogger born in 1982. She was even awarded in 2013 by France as Chevalière de l'ordre des Arts et des Lettres which is a very important distinction. But also in 2019 when she won an Eisner award in the United States for her comics. She started with a blog where she told her life in a humorous way and then created animations, comics, books and even went through the cinema as an actress. She has not only made works about feminism, but the works she has produced in this theme have strongly marked.

Image de Pénélope Bagieu
Photo de Pénélope Bagieu au Salon du livre de Paris, en mars 2019.

Bagieu comes from a middle-class family. A normal childhood that led her to study art. She says she only went to the museum for the first time at that time. She had never been there before. It is in these places and particularly in the Pompidou Museum in Paris that the 39 year old artist will recharge her batteries. Pompidou is a kind of "pool" where she immerses herself. She comes out of it soothed and full of creativity. She has always had an important relationship with art at that time, even more so today. And especially, she realized that women did not have enough place in museums. But also in everyday life.

But de son travail féministe

Thus, her work began to bring women up to date, regardless of their profession. [I have made a small personal retrospective of the artists whose work has inspired me, from the Renaissance to the present day, in order to revalorize the place of these women in the history of art Women remain very little present in museums, except as subjects. in an article from the Pompidou Center.

Engaged then? And using modern means of communication

Indeed, Penelope Bagieu became known thanks to her comic blog where she told her life in a playful and relaxed way. Today, she discusses other topics, many related to society. Especially girls, women. Since then, some of these works have been re-adapted as mini-series. When we think Penelope Bagieu and feminism, we immediately see her work Culottées which is a book divided into several toms then in full readapted as a mini-series since. Thus, in this book, she tells in a playful and drawn way the story of several women who have marked the world but who have above all marked it. She wanted to show these women, women we don't hear about. Women left in the shade for the benefit of society's model. She thus carries out a work of memory and preservation of these women, of the values presented by them.

Image des Culottées format intégral
Photo of the complete book of Les Culottées by Pénélope Bagieu

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Image du tweet de la vidéo


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